• Paper Title: Hyeong-Jin Kim, Dong-Seong Kim and Jae-Min Lee "Design of Technique on the Monitoring and Reconnaissance Route for UAV Based on AI"2019 fall Conference on Korea Institute Of Communication Sciences(KICS), Engineering Building, Kookmin University, South Korea, November 16, 2019. (N4, N9)
  • Conference Name: None
  • Abstract: Hyeong-Jin Kim, Dong-Seong Kim and Jae-Min Lee "Design of Technique on the Monitoring and Reconnaissance Route for UAV Based on AI"2019 fall Conference on Korea Institute Of Communication Sciences(KICS), Engineering Building, Kookmin University, South Korea, November 16, 2019. (N4, N9)
  • Status: Preparation
  • Conference Type: Domestic
  • Cite:
  • Author: admin
  • Write Date: 2019년 10월 31일 3:23 오후
  • Update Date: 2019년 11월 20일 11:47 오전
  • Visit Count: 705
  • Acknowledgment: None
  • File: No file attached