Paper Title: Ikechi Saviour Igboanusi, Revin Naufal Alief, Muhammad Rasyid Redha Ansori, Allwinnaldo, Jae-Min Lee, Dong-Seong Kim "Pure Voting (PV): An Offline Voting Algorithm" 27th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2022) October 19 ~ 21, 2022 / Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, (N8 and N12)(A).
Conference Name: None
Abstract: Ikechi Saviour Igboanusi, Revin Naufal Alief, Muhammad Rasyid Redha Ansori, Allwinnaldo, Jae-Min Lee, Dong-Seong Kim "Pure Voting (PV): An Offline Voting Algorithm" 27th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2022) October 19 ~ 21, 2022 / Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, (N8 and N12)(A).
Status: Preparation
Conference Type: International
Author: admin
Write Date: Oct. 11, 2022, 4:32 p.m.
Update Date: Oct. 11, 2022, 4:35 p.m.
Visit Count: 202
Acknowledgment: None
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