Paper Title: Adinda Riztia Putri, Goodness Oluchi Anyanwu, Mareska Pratiwi Maharani, Jae Min Lee, and Dong-Seong Kim, "Compressed Neural Network for Thermal Array-Based Fall Detection on Embedded AI," The 12th International Conference on ICT Convergence ICT (ICTC 2021), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct 20-22, 2021, pp 1574-1577 (N8 and N12) (A)
Conference Name: None
Abstract: Adinda Riztia Putri, Goodness Oluchi Anyanwu, Mareska Pratiwi Maharani, Jae Min Lee, and Dong-Seong Kim, "Compressed Neural Network for Thermal Array-Based Fall Detection on Embedded AI," The 12th International Conference on ICT Convergence ICT (ICTC 2021), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct 20-22, 2021, pp 1574-1577 (N8 and N12) (A)