Paper Title: Godwin Brown Tunze, Rubina Akter, Gaspard Gashema, Jae-Min Lee and Dong-Seong Kim, "Fire Disaster Notification Management (FDNM) for Military Storage and Supply Operation Centers", in 2019 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2019) , Jeju Island, South Korea, Oct. 16-18, 2019, pp. 758 - 761. (N2&N8)
Conference Name: None
Abstract: Godwin Brown Tunze, Rubina Akter, Gaspard Gashema, Jae-Min Lee and Dong-Seong Kim, "Fire Disaster Notification Management (FDNM) for Military Storage and Supply Operation Centers", in 2019 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC 2019) , Jeju Island, South Korea, Oct. 16-18, 2019, pp. 758 - 761. (N2&N8)