

4월 8, 2013 - 4월 14, 2013


Title 1: An Interference-Aware Fairness Opportunistic Routing for Cognitive Radio Networks
o Coding in Matlab the network topology following to the proposed algorithm
o Extending Introduction, related works, and conclusion.
Title 2: BARCON
o Try to submit to the journal.
ME Thesis:
o Prototype writing

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: (Which part you’ve done in last week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Writing the context.
2. Improving the proposed algorithm.
Title 2: (Which part you’ve done in last week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Trimming the context.
2. Comments of Professor: Keep trying to do them.
Thesis: Prototype writing

This Week Todo's

Title 1: (What are you going to do during this week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Try to get done this work.
Title 2: (What are you going to do during this week ‘bout this topic?)
1. Try to submit this paper to journal
Thesis: Prototype writing

Project Progress

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Try to accomplish the targets during this week.
Thesis: Prototype writing - Introduction literature review.

Annual Goals