

3월 25, 2024 - 3월 29, 2024


Title 1: Intrusion Detection Strategies for Secure Edge IoV Networks (Tentative)
Title 2: On the Edge of Safety: Intrusion Detection in Next-Gen IoV Infrastructures (Tentative)

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Continued with the survey of existing literature on integrating Blockchain into Edge AI strategies for IoV security.
2. Sourced for IoV datasets.
3. Commenced preprocessing of already found IoV dataset.
4. Started searching for papers about Blockchain for IoV security.
5. Had a meeting with the lab leader to resolve code issues and brainstormed on research direction.

This Week Todo's

1. To continue with the survey of existing literature on integrating Blockchain into Edge AI strategies for IoV security.
2. To source for more IoV datasets.
3. To continue with preprocessing of the already found IoV dataset.
4. To start the ML model training of the IoV dataset for intrusion detection
5. To continue the search and study of blockchain for IoV security.

Project Progress

1. PurePet: UI development for different sample pages of the mobile application using Flutter and Dart.

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Created a sample Login Page, added a background image, and added routing and page navigation functionality.
2. Added on-click responsive function to containers, images, and buttons.
3. Created a sample dashboard, and added a side navigation bar with a list of potential user features and their respective icons.
4. Had a team meeting with the project leader and team members to discuss the project progress of all members and assign future individual tasks.

This Week's Project

1. To add code of all the currently developed pages by all team members to GitHub as a form of version control.
2. To create the medical records page
3. Learn about adding the search functionality in Flutter to be able to retrieve stored information.

Monthly Goals

1. Finalize on paper idea for IoV security.
2. Start paper writing for NSL-approved conference.
3. Finalize project tasks assigned by the project leader according to the schedule.

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least 2 journals.
2. Submit and attend at least one NSL-approved domestic conference.
3. Submit and attend one NSL-approved international conference.