

4월 1, 2024 - 4월 5, 2024


Title 1: Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Net-Metering Prediction based on Federated Learning
Target: IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids / Status: Processing

Title 2: Comprehensive Regression Ensemble-Model Approach for Predictive Vehicle Maintenance in Auto Dealerships
Target: IET / International Journal of Automotive Technology / Status: Processing

Title 3: FIDS-Centive: Hyperledger-based Incentive Mechanism for Federated Intrusion Detection System Clients in IEC 104 Smart Grid
Target: IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids / MS Thesis / Status: Processing

82% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Final Tuning and Revision.

Title 3:
Centralized Completed.
Begin Blockchain Incentive Mechanism. Set-up Hyperledger Besu Simulation - Continued

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Submit

Title 3: Federated Learning On-going.
Begin Blockchain Incentive Mechanism. Set-up Hyperledger Besu Simulation - Continued.
Chapter 1 & 2 - Writing

Project Progress

AI in Service: UI / App Design
Hyperledger Implementation:

65% Progress
Last Week's Project

AI in Service:
UI / UX / Start building application design
- Sales data - Continue
- Predictive - Continue
Hyperledger Implementation:
Continue finalize Chainlink Documentation
Separate Scope of Works

This Week's Project

AI in Service:
UI / UX / Continue application design
- Sales data - Complete
- Finish Predictive Maintenance
Hyperledger Implementation:
Continue finalize Chainlink Documentation
Define Specific Functions of the System

Monthly Goals

1. Complete Study on Chainlink
2. Finish Thesis FL Result (On-going)
3. Finish Thesis Blockchain Result (Started)
4. Submit Journal

Annual Goals

1. To attend at least 2 conferences (2/2) - KICS Winter, ICAIIC
2. Submit and publish one SCI Journal (0/1)
3. Study Carbon Emission Control - Blockchain
4. Finish Thesis