

4월 15, 2024 - 4월 19, 2024


Title 1: Data-driven Digital-Twin Environment for Battery State-of-Charge Estimation and Visualization
Target: Submitted to IEEE Energy Conversion

Title 2: Optimizing Vehicle Recommendations: A Hybrid, Weighted Approach in Automotive Retail
Target: Tentative / Status: finished; waiting for comments

Thesis Topic: Blockchain-based Digital Twin Service-Oriented PI-IoT
Title 3: Tentative Title

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Waiting for review.
Title 2: Awaiting further more comments
Title 3: Continuation Research regarding Logistics and Warehouse Blockchain-based Digital Twin Research
- Find and compare existing works regarding Blockchain Logistics and Warehouse
- Find technologies utilized in making a Logistics System and implement it

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Waiting for review.
Title 2: Updated the paper based on Comments.
Title 3: Continuation Research regarding Blockchain-based Digital Twin Research with PI-IoT Concept
- Studying the concept of PI-IoT or Physical Internet IoT
- To start implementing the basic IoT Implementation for Digital Twin (Sensors and GPS)
- Preparation of overall framework

Project Progress

1. AI Automotive Industry App Development
2. NSL Website Management

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. AI Automotive Industry App Development
- Updated the Project Paper
- Waiting further tasks

2. NSL Website Management
- Continue updating the Old NSL website
- Assisting angelo and tuli on NSL Website

This Week's Project

1. AI Automotive Industry App Development
- Waiting further tasks

2. NSL Website Management
- Continue updating the Old NSL website
- Assisting angelo and tuli on NSL Website

Monthly Goals

1. Improve the AI Models for AI Vehicle Industries.
2. Provide assistance on maintaining the NSL Old/New Website
3. Create a model for Blockchain-based Digital Twin Logistics System.
4. Finish Thesis Writing and First Outline/Template
5. Preparation for NSL Thesis Presentation

Annual Goals

1. Submit atleast 2 Journal Paper
2. Attend 1 International Conference and atleast 2 Domestic Conference (KICS Winter, KICS Summer)
3. Graduate