

4월 22, 2024 - 4월 26, 2024


1. Enhancing Industrial IoT Infrastructure: A Framework for Optimized Architecture Integration with Hyperledger Blockchain (tentative).

2. Optimizing Neural Networks for Error Reduction in Medical Internet of Things

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. I finished writing one of my papers in preparation for the seminar with the help of a Lab senior member: Optimizing Neural Networks for Error Reduction in Medical Internet of Things

2. I analyzed my results critically as I wrote my paper and retrained my models where necessary.

3. I efficiently deployed a sample network of Hyperledger fabric and now getting to familiarize myself with writing smart contracts for the he Hyperledger fabric Chain code.
4. I enrolled in a course on Udemy to learn about Industrial 4: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

This Week Todo's

1. To start writing my second four-page paper still on intrusion detection and safety of the Medical Internet of things.

2. To further study the way the modular architecture of the Hyper Ledger fabric blockchain works.

3. To read more papers on the medical Internet of things and widen my understanding of how I can better optimize them to handle sensitive medical data of patients

Project Progress

1. Modifying the Mobile application interface of the PurePet application

2. Researched a way of integrating the existing databases with the blockchain network.

65% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Still try to integrate the application with the blockchain network

2. Did further modifications to the user interface design to incorporate more features such as a reservation page for the user.

This Week's Project

1. Establish connectivity between the PurePet application and the blockchain netwwork.

Monthly Goals

1. Study Hyperledger Blockchain architecture.

2. Enhance machine learning skills.

3. Explore digital twin technology.

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least 2 journals

2. Submit and attend at least one NSL approved domestic conference

3. Submit and attend at least one NSL approved international conference.