

5월 6, 2024 - 5월 10, 2024


Title 1: Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Vehicles
Title 2: Intrusion Detection Strategies for Secure Edge IoV Networks (Tentative)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Started machine learning model training on Intrusion Detection for next paper (Title 2)
2. Continued reading existing literature on integrating Blockchain into Edge AI strategies for IoV security.

This Week Todo's

1. Submit paper for review and confirmation from Professor
2. Finalize machine learning model training on Intrusion Detection in IoV Dataset for next paper (Title 2)
3. Research about NFT application in IoV

Project Progress

PurePet: Project redirection. System design from project leader and awaiting Professor’s feedback.

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Received new project direction and system design from project leader and awaiting Professor’s feedback.

This Week's Project

Start working on tasks as assigned by the project leader.
Study about utility and dynamic NFTs

Monthly Goals

1. Finalize project tasks assigned by the project leader according to the schedule.
2. Create 3D elements with Unity
3. Further study of Hyperledger
5. Research about NFT application in IoV

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least 2 journals.
2. Submit and attend at least one NSL-approved domestic conference.
3. Submit and attend one NSL-approved international conference.