

5월 14, 2024 - 5월 17, 2024


Paper 1: Meta-Learning: A Digital Learning Management Framework using Blockchain for Metaverses
Target: IEEE Access [Accepted]

Paper 2: BUS-Health: Blockchain-Integrated UAV-enabled Medical Supplies Using Smart Contract for Smart Healthcare
Target: Blockchain: Research and Applications, Elsevier (Special Issue, March 30) [Submitted]

Paper 3: Pure-Drone: Blockchain-Enabled Smart Drone Delivery Solutions for Next-Gen Medicare Using Smart Contract and AI
Target: IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management/IEEE IoT

Paper 4: A Digital Twin-Based Blockchain-Assisted Secure Emergency Response Scheme in the Internet of Medical Things
Target: ETFA 2024

Paper 5: Enhancing Black Ice Detection in Autonomous Vehicles: A Multimodal Approach with Convolutional Neural Networks
Target: KICS Summer 2024

Paper 6: Beyond Multimodal Sensing: A Fusion of Vision and Acoustics for Black Ice Detection in Self-Driving Cars
Target: Journal (Not fixed yet)

69% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 4:
* Worked on the smart contract implementation
* Learning how to design the digital twin model

Paper 6:
* Started surveying the related works
* Started the paper writing

This Week Todo's

Paper 4:
* Continue the smart contract implementation based on the system design
* Keep working on the the digital twin model for the proposed system

Paper 5:
* design the system model (an audio-based DL model for road surface classification)
* Started writing the paper (finished it by the end of the week for submission)

Paper 6:
* Continue the surveying of related works
* Keep the paper writing ongoing (System Model part)

Project Progress

Black Ice Project

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Submitted all the necessary files required by the company memebers for testing of the system

This Week's Project

* Waiting for the test results and further instruction
* Start working on the journal paper writing

Monthly Goals

* Submit the revised accepted version of the journal (IEEE Access)
* Submit a conference paper on ETFA and KICS

Annual Goals

* Submit 4 journal
* At least accept 2 journals
* Attend one international conference and one domestic conference
* Prepare the Thesis