

5월 20, 2024 - 5월 24, 2024


Title 1: Detecting Cyberthreats in Metaverse Learning Platforms using an Explainable DNN. IoT Journal (Accepted)

Title 2: Zero-Trust Marine Cyberdefense for IoT-Based Communications: An Explainable Approach. Electronics Journal (Accepted)

Title 3: XAI with Adversarial Defence for Zero-Trust Metaverse DDoS Attack Detection IEEE TDSC (Under review )

Title 4: MetaWatch: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions for Intrusion Detection in the Metaverse (Under Review IEEE IoT )

Title 5: Nowhere to hide: A zero-trust framework for detecting stalkerwares in IoT-based
Metaverse Networks ( Under Review Adhoc Networks)

Title 6: Explainable Tiny Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection System for Consumer-Centric Metaverse (Under Review IEEE TCE)

Title 7: Employing XAI-Driven Insights for Interpretable Upselling in the Automotive Industry. (Ready for submission)

Title 8: Towards Zero-trust Network Intrusion Detection for the Metaverse (Draft Thesis Title)

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

>> Addressed paper corrections given for my thesis

>> Submitted paper manuscript to Adhoc Networks

>>Revised all review comments of all my submitted papers to gather ideas for my thesis writing

>>Completed Chapters 1-5 of the Thesis

This Week Todo's

>>Complete Thesis writing and feedback from professor

S>>Submit JCCI paper

Project Progress


0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

Complete and Defend MSc Thesis

Annual Goals

2024 Goals:
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals

2. Attend one international conference
{ICAIIC 2024}(Accepted)

3. Attend one domestic conference
{KICS Winter 2024}(Accepted)

4. Complete Thesis & graduation requirements