Title 4: FedCarbon - Blockchain-based Incentive Mechanism for Decentralized CO2 Emission Prediction
Target: Transaction on Intelligent Vehicles / MS Thesis
Title 4: Tweaking Chapter 4. Finalize for submission
Final write-up update.
AI in Service: UI / App Design
Hyperledger Implementation: Chainlink
Project on hold: Thesis Focus
Project on hold: Thesis Focus
1. Finish Thesis FL Result (Finished)
2. Finish Thesis Blockchain Result (Finished)
3. Submit Journal
4. Submit KICS Summer (Submitted)
5. Thesis presentation
1. To attend at least 2 conferences (2/2) - KICS Winter 2024, ICAIIC 2024
2. Submit and publish one SCI Journal (0/1)
3. Study Carbon Emission Control - Blockchain
4. Finish Thesis