

6월 3, 2024 - 6월 7, 2024


Paper 1: Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Vehicles - ACCEPTED
Paper 2: ML Blockchain-based Malicious Node Detection and Isolation (Tentative)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Vehicles - ACCEPTED

Paper 2: Continued machine Learning model optimization and comparison with different optimization methods.
Experimented with new optimization methods and compared results with previously achieved results.

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Finalize ML model optimization
Literature research about implementing Federated Learning for malicious node isolation in IoV

Project Progress

PurePet: Vet user page UI integration with the back end
Poind: Data augmentation using GAN for steel image dataset.
Digital Twin for Bridge

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

PurePet: Designed vet UI pages: integrating login and sign-up pages with the database.
Poind: Continued studying about using GAN for generating images.
Digital Twin for Bridge: Had a meeting with the project leader.
Received an overview of the project requirements and plan

This Week's Project

PurePet: Continue connecting Vet user pages to a database
Poind: Receive tasks from the project leader
Digital Twin for Bridge: Learn Blender
background research about Digital Twin for Bridge
Study similar use cases

Monthly Goals

1. Study Blender
2. Integrate Unity with 3D models
3. Study Federated Learning

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least 2 journals.
2. Submit and attend at least one NSL approved domestic conference.
3. Submit and attend one NSL approved international conference.