

6월 17, 2024 - 6월 21, 2024


Paper 1: Byzantine-Resilient Federated Learning: An Adaptive Architecture Integrating Trimmed Mean Averaging and Dynamic Learning Rates (tentative)
Paper 2: AdaptTrim: An Adaptive and Efficient Architecture for Federated Learning Using Trimmed Averaging (tentative)
Paper 3: Efficient Federated Learning with Intrusion Detection For Enhancing Monitoring of COPD patients and ensured security (tentative)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Tested the Fed Average aggregation hyperparameters in federated learning
2. Tested the Fed Average aggregation on multiple data sets to identify its limitations
3. Handling depreciated library errors in my Hyper ledger fabric network

This Week Todo's

1. Modeling new federated learning strategy that is robust

Project Progress

Project: PurePet : Designing APIs for mobile application
Project: Digital Twins: Drafting work flow for the project

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project: PurePet
1. To code the API end points of the application that will enable it to interact with the server
Project: Digital Twins
1. Analyzed case studies that detail the deployment of digital twins for tunnels in one of thee papers I sources
2. Identified best practices and common challenges faced during implementation of digital twin

This Week's Project

Project: PurePet
1. To test my API end points in the server whether they can retrieve data from the database
Project: Digital Twins
1. Continue with analyzing of case studies that detail the deployment of digital twins for bridges
2. Learning the fundamentals of 3D modeling

Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals
Optimize thee Federated Average algorithm to make it robust

Annual Goals

1.Submit at least 2 articles to scientific journals.
2.Submit and attend at least one NSL-approved domestic conference.
3.Submit and attend at least one NSL-approved international conference.