

6월 24, 2024 - 6월 28, 2024


Esmot Ara Tuli

Title 01: A Metaverse Approach: The Web Inside of the Web (Resubmit)
Target: ICT Express

Title 02: Leveraging Quantum Blockchain for Secure Multiparty Space Sharing and Authentication on Specialised Metaverse Platform (Under Review)
Target: Nature Scientific Reports

Title 03: Quantum Federated Learning for Secured and Privacy-Preserving Edge Computing Empowering Medical Metaverse (Processing)
Target: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (PhD Thesis)
Title 04: Enhanced Secure Communication in Maritime Tactical Networks Using Quantum Cryptography (Accepted)
Target: ICMIC 2024

Collaborative work with NSL Members:

Title 05: Meta-Governance: Blockchain-Driven Metaverse Platform for Mitigating Misbehavior Using Smart Contract and AI (Accepted) ~With Facklasur
Target: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

Title 06: FedQ: A Secure Collaborative Cyber Defense Framework for Internet of Medical
Things Based on Quantum and Federated Learning (Processing) ~With Vivian
Target: ICT Express

Title 07: An Interactive Avatar Generation Framework Using Motion Capture and Face Expression Detection in Metaverse (Processing) ~With Zai
Target: KICS Journal

Title 08: Enhancing Maritime Security via Blockchain Integration for Cross-Border Vehicle Authentication (Accepted) ~With Dini
Target: ICMIC 2024

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1) Submit documents to the graduate department

2) Attended KICS Summer 2024 conference

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Correct and finetune writing and submit
Title 03:
- Write related works section
Title 04:
- Correct and submit camera-ready version
Title 06:
- Correct attack model system diagram
- Draw system model diagram
Title 07:
- Write “Performance Optimization” subsection

Project Progress

Interactive Avatar Project

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) Help Zai to capture image for delay calculation between video capture by camera and avatar generation
2) write "Plugin Installing and Dependencies" Subsection

This Week's Project

Write “Performance Optimization” subsection

Monthly Goals

1) Submit papers 1 and 3
2) Study mathematics related with quantum computing

Annual Goals

1) Attend 2 International Conference (1 Accepted)
2) Submit 5 journal (1 Submitted)
3) Get 6 journal acceptance (4 accepted)