

7월 8, 2024 - 7월 12, 2024


Paper 1: Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Vehicles
Paper 2: Detecting Falsified Data in Intra-Vehicular Communication (Tentative)
Target: IEEE IoT
Paper 3: DDoS attack detection in Vehicular Network Communication (Tentative)
Target: ICTC 2024

58% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 2: Continued study on the application of blockchain in intra-vehicular networks
Study PureChain
Paper writing
Paper 3: Continued paper writing

This Week Todo's

Paper 2: Write smart contract and deploy on Pure Chain
Continue paper writing
Further literature survey on Blockchain and AI for intrusion detection in IoV

Paper 3: Continue paper writing

Project Progress

PurePet: Vet user page UI integration with the back end
Poind: Data augmentation using GAN for steel image dataset.

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

Poind: Study GAN and diffusion models
Data augmentation using GAN using provided steel plate images

This Week's Project

Poind: Use YOLO to create bounding boxes on steel plate defects
Continue studying about GAN

Monthly Goals

1. Learn about PureChain
2. Deploy a smart contract with PureChain
3. Submit ICTC paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least 2 journals.
2. Submit and attend at least one NSL approved domestic conference. (Achieved)
3. Submit and attend one NSL approved international conference.