

8월 12, 2024 - 8월 16, 2024


Title 1: Performance Analysis for Next Generation Integrated Naval Ship System Network
*Submitted a camera-ready

Title 2: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
*Finalized to update the paper content based on professor Lee's review comment

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
*Update the paper content based on professor Lee's review comment
- Modification of Requirements -> Adding and modifying naval ship combat network's data communication requirements
- Add algorithm -> for calculate the reference values
- Add & modify references
- finalized paper writing

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
- Waiting professor's comment
- Continue checking the content for any problems

Project Progress

Project 1: Pure Contract
Project 2 : Pure Certificate
Project 3: Pure Wallet

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1: Pure Contract
# Redesign UI based on existing UI for Web
# Branching and Pulling Pure Certificate project code
# Analysis the Pure Contract's code

Project 2: Pure Certificate
# Redesign UI -> Consider functional separation, high visibility

Project 3: Pure Wallet
# Prepare to testing using US network

This Week's Project

Project 1: Pure Contract
# Redesign UI based on existing UI for Web
# Analysis the Pure Contract's code
# Testing Pure Contract for desktop version
# Find errors of Pure Contract's desktop version
# Analysis the errors and find solution

Project 2: Pure Certificate
# Redesign UI -> Consider functional separation, high visibility

Project 3: Pure Wallet
# Prepare to testing using US network

Monthly Goals

1. Finishing "Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System" paper and submit to IEEE ACCESS
2. Finishing redesign Pure Certificate's UI

Annual Goals

2024 Goals:
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE Access}

2. Try to improve blockchain development capabilities, UI & UX Design