

9월 7, 2024 - 9월 13, 2024


Title 1: Blockchain Technology in Protein Folding: Enhancing Data Sharing and Collaboration
Type: Survey.
Target: ICTC 2024
*Nature Scientific Reports Scientific Submission steps

Title 2: Protein Data Integration with Blockchain: A Technical Approach to Interoperability (tentatively)
Type: Technical Paper

96% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Last Week's Progress
Paper 1:
* Submitted to ICTC
* Formatted for Nature Scientific Reports submission

Paper 2: Read extensively on project feasibility

This Week Todo's

Paper 1:
* Submission

Paper 2:
* Begin writing
* Further research on framework design

Pure Certification project paper review
Pure chain white paper study.

Project Progress

* Pure certificate

8% Progress
Last Week's Project

* Learning blockchain development with Solidity on Updraft
* Pure Certification project paper review
* Paper 2: Literature Survey on Protein Data Integration with Blockchain: A Technical Approach to Interoperability

This Week's Project

* Paper 2: Methodology development
* Blockchain development with Solidity on Updraft
* In-depth knowledge of PureChain Network Architecture

Monthly Goals

* Upskill on Blockchain development and the integration in biochemistry
* Develop a framework for Paper 2 and complete the first draft.

Annual Goals

* At least one Q1 journal publication
* Attend at least one professor-approved domestic and international conference.
* Upskill on blockchain development (60%)
* Discover and explore other parts of Korea.