

9월 23, 2024 - 9월 27, 2024


1. Prediction of Network disconnection in wireless edge networks
Target: KICS Fall 2024

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Started setting up my PC, but unable to access the internet
2. Brainstormed with mentor on research directions
3. Started survey of existing studies on Dynamic Task Offloading with AI-driven predictive Buffering techniques for online/offline scenarios
4. Developing a concept for Predicting Network disconnection in wireless edge networks

This Week Todo's

1. Finalize PC setup and possibly gain internet access
2. To continue brainstorming with mentor on research directions
3. To continue the survey of existing studies on Dynamic Task Offloading with AI-driven predictive Buffering techniques for online/offline scenarios
4. Finalize the development of the concept for Predicting Network disconnection in wireless edge networks
5. Write for KICS fall

Project Progress

Digital Bridge

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Learning to build a simple Server with FastAPI

This Week's Project

To continue with learning and building a FastAPI server for digital bridge project

Monthly Goals

To complete and submit KICS fall 2024
To complete and submit the ICAIIC 2024

Annual Goals

To submit at least 1 NSL approved Domestic conference
To submit at least 1 NSL approved International Conference
To submit at least 1 International journal