

9월 23, 2024 - 9월 27, 2024


Paper 1: Advanced Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing System: An Optimized Multi-CNN Ensemble Learning Approach (Under Review)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence

Paper 2: Federated Semi-Supervised Digital Twin for Enhanced Human-Machine Interaction in Industry 5.0 (Submitted)
Target: ICTC 2024

Paper 3: FMACNN: Federated Multi-Attention CNN Framework for Artificial Image Detection
Target: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

Paper 4: MMNet: Multimodal Neural Network Framework for Emotion Recognition via EEG and Speech
Target: ELSEVIER Expert Systems with Applications

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Result simulation and evaluation, Paper 3.

This Week Todo's

- Working on papers 3 & 4, fixing minor issues based on the reviews from the professor.

Project Progress

Project 1: ITRC Digital Twin
Project 2: 어린이집 얼굴 identification, action recognition, and tracking

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Studying Digital Twin application in Warehouse Logistics, Sensor data collection, Tracking time, location, and UWB device.

This Week's Project

- Reading more applications and survey papers.
- Studying object detection, tracking, and identification.

Monthly Goals

- Learning Digital Twin, LLM, Generative AI, Transformers, Encoder-Decoder, Stable Diffusion, Architectures and their implementation.

Annual Goals

- Publish at two Q1 International Journals.
- Attend international conferences and domestic conferences.