

9월 30, 2024 - 10월 4, 2024


Title 1: Hyperledger Fabric-Based Trust and Privacy Preservation in Federated Learning for IoT Networks
Target: KICS Fall 2024

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Worked on the System analysis, and performance testing for Title 1

This Week Todo's

1. To continue with testing the Hyperledger connection and connectivity with IoT device simulation
2. To continue the system analysis and performance evaluation for Title 1

Project Progress

Physical Internet Project

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Surveyed 5 existing papers on the Physical Internet with blockchain
2. Commenced writing on the assigned task of the Physical Internat Project Survey paper

This Week's Project

1. To continue with the survey of existing papers on the Physical Internet with blockchain
2. To continue with the writing on the assigned task of the Physical Internat Project Survey paper

Monthly Goals

1. Complete and Submit KICS Fall 2024
2. To continue working on hyperledger and federated learning integration for IoT networks

Annual Goals

1. To submit and attend at least 2 NSL approved Domestic Conferences
2. To submit and attend at least 2 NSL approved International Conferences
3. To Submit and Publish at least 2 International Journals