

10월 7, 2024 - 10월 11, 2024


Paper Titles

Title 1: IoT-Blockchain Frameworks in Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Data Management.
Target: IEEE Access

Title 2: AI-Enhanced IoB System for Predictive Carbon Capture and Storage Analytics.
Target : Conference and IEEE Journal submission.

Title 3: Enhancing Carbon Credit Trading with a Blockchain-AI System for Scalable and Secure Transactions.
Target: IEEE Journal

38% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:
- submitted to ICTC 2024 (Accepted)
- Registered for the conference.
- Submitted the poster for ICTC.
- Submitted to IEEE Access journal: waiting for the editor’s response.

Paper 2:
- Completed the literature review section.

This Week Todo's

Paper 1:
- Preparation for ICTC 2024.
- Wait for the IEEE Access editor’s comment, hopefully a major review.

Paper 2:
- To start working on the proposed system design.

Project Progress

Pure certificate
ITRC Pure Certificate for Defense Logistics

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

- reviewed the compiled papers, pointing out the problems, findings, contribution and limitations of each papers as related to project work.

This Week's Project

- Continue the paper reviews to find out the contributions and limitations of existing systems.

Monthly Goals

- Finish paper 2 and submit for conference and journal publication.
- Continue acquisition of in-depth knowledge and training on blockchain

Annual Goals

- To achieve 2 Q1 journal paper publications.
- To attend at least 2 domestic and 1 international conferences.