

10월 7, 2024 - 10월 11, 2024


1. Enhancing IIoT Security Using Hybrid CNN-BiLSTM Models with Blockchain Integration (tentative)
2. A Novel Web-Based FL Platform for Smart Grid Contract Optimization (tentative)

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Enhancing IIoT Security Using Hybrid CNN-BiLSTM Models with Blockchain Integration (tentative)
Continued writing the paper.
A Novel Web-Based FL Platform for Smart Grid Contract Optimization (tentative)
2. Conducted experiments.

This Week Todo's

1. Enhancing IIoT Security Using Hybrid CNN-BiLSTM Models with Blockchain Integration (tentative)
Finish writing the paper.
2. A Novel Web-Based FL Platform for Smart Grid Contract Optimization (tentative)
Finish writing the paper.

Project Progress

1. Digital Twin (18%)
2. Purepet (80%)

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

Digital Twin (18%)
-Modified the 3D model of the bridge.
-Rendered the model in a web application using WebGL and Three.js.
Purepet (80%)
-Continued editing the web interface.

This Week's Project

-Digital Twin (18%)
Design a new bridge model.
-Purepet (80%)
Finalize backend integration with the web application.

Monthly Goals

Continue optimizing the Federated Average algorithm for improved robustness and efficiency, incorporating insights from literature on Edge IoT, applying Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) to the neural network, and fine-tuning the model with new datasets.

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least two articles to scientific journals.
2. Attend at least one NSL-approved domestic conference.
3. Attend at least one NSL-approved international conference.