Title 1: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
* Got request resubmit
* Edit paper according to the reviewr's opinion
Title 1: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
* Add recent reperences(with Hyeong-Jin Kim)
* Add related works(with Hyeong-Jin Kim)
* Upgrade Motivation and Contribution
* Edit Algorithm
* Upgrade conclusion
Title 1: Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for High Level Naval Ship System
* Request confirm the paper to prof. Lee
Project 1: Pure Contract
Project 2 : Pure Certificate
Project 3: Pure Wallet
Project 2: Pure Certificate
# Building page for KICS conference
# Made pure certificate brochure english version & got feedback to prof. Kim and Editted.
# Try to connect Pure certificate with Pure certificate web site
Project 3: Pure Wallet
# Prepare to testing using US networkures to be demonstrated in U.S. companies
Project 2: Pure Certificate
# Building page for CES
# Design nft viewr in Pure certificate Web site
# Edit coding pure certificate for Pure Certificate Web site's server
# Try to connect Pure certificate for pure certificate web site
Project 3: Pure Wallet
# Prepare to testing using US networkures to be demonstrated in U.S. companies
1. Building Pure ceritificate web site for CES
2. Submit IEEE journal
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE Access}
2. Try to improve blockchain development capabilities, UI & UX Design