

12월 16, 2024 - 12월 20, 2024


Title 1: Blockchain Technology in Protein Folding: Enhancing Data Sharing and Collaboration
Type: Survey.
Target: ICTC2024
Status: Accepted

Paper 1: Blockchain Applications in Protein Folding: Advancing Collaborative Data Sharing
Target: IETE.
Status: Submitted

Paper 2: ProtChain: A Blockchain-based Approach to Protein Data Integration and Interoperability.
Type: Technical Paper
Status: Writing (ProtChain development)

Paper 3: Blockchain for Cow and Pig Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Traceability and Quality Control
Type: Technical paper
Status: Paused

Paper 4: Anthropomorphic and Accountable AI-Driven Power Generation and Distribution System
Target: KICS, Gumi Paper Contest
Status: Accepted

Paper 5: Blockchain-enabled Data Management in Smart Factories
Status: Paper writing
Type: PBL Smart Factory Project

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 2: ProtChain: A Blockchain-based Approach to Protein Data Integration and Interoperability
* 100% Completion of the ProtChain System Design
Paper 5: AI-Assisted Screening and Docking of Natural Products Inhibitors for Amyloid Beta-Protein Precursor Protease (tentative).

* Practiced on PoA2 and possible side projects
* Presented at the NSL seminar

This Week Todo's

Paper 2: ProtChain: A Blockchain-based Approach to Protein Data Integration and Interoperability
* Begin testing.
* Continue writing.

Paper 5: Blockchain-enabled Data Management in Smart Factories
* Prepare for presentation of approach.
* Continue learning VS and Blockchain approach to drug discovery and write a paper
* Continue learning ML models and applications.

Project Progress

Pure certificates
PBL Smart Factory

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

Pure Certificates
* Joined the “Service” sub-team of the project to write smart contracts

PBL Smart Factory Project
* Gathered literature for paper writing
* Began exploring model developments

This Week's Project

Pure Certificates
* Begin exploring smart contracts for the project

PBL Smart Factory Project
* Proceed with paper writing

Monthly Goals

* Upskill on ML, Blockchain development and the integration in biochemistry- (65%)
* Develop a framework for Paper 2 and complete the first draft- (80%).
* Co-develop a framework for Paper 3- (20%)
* Complete writing and submit for KICS 2024- (100%)

Annual Goals

* At least two Q1 and two Q2 journal publication (0/4)
* Attend at least four professor-approved domestic and international conferences. (50%)
* Upskill on blockchain development (60%) - (50% out of 60%)
* Make an international trip
* Discover and explore other parts of Korea (30%)