Title 1: Enhanced Anomaly Detection with Optimized Deep Learning in Manufacturing System
Journal: ICT Express
Status: Under Revision
Title 2: Blockchain-Aided Intrusion Detection in Marine Tactical Network Using Reinforcement Learning
Target: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Status: Under Revision
Title 3: Energy-Twin: Explainable AI-Driven Energy Optimization using Digital-Twin for Smart Industry
Target: KICS Fall 2024
Status: Submitted
Title 2: Preparing for Submission
Thesis: Preparing for the thesis report writing.
Present the paper at the ICTC Conference
Paper 3:
* Submit the paper after the professor's approval
* Continue the survey
* Work on the Thesis writing (Introduction part)
Project 1: ITRC Digital Twin
Project 2: Physical Internet for Military Logistics
Project 1 & 2:
* Created two presentations of the survey paper for the project
* Start working on the survey paper writing based on the assigned role
Project 1:
- Studying Digital Twin application in Warehouse Logistics, Sensor data collection, Tracking time, location, and UWB device.
Project 2:
- Start working on the survey paper writing based on the assigned role
- Further study about PI in the Logistics Supply Chain
* Complete Thesis writing as much as possible
* Submit a conference paper on ICC and ICOIN
* At least accept 2 journals
* Attend one international conference and one domestic conference
* Prepare the Thesis