Title 1: ASR-FED: Agnostic Straggler Resilient Federated Algorithm for Drone Networks Security (Accepted)
Target: INFOCOM 2024
Title 2: Securing Critical Infrastructure: A Denoising Data-Driven Approach for Intrusion Detection in ICS
Network (Co-worked with Ursla) (Accepted)
Target: ICAIIC 2024
Title 3: Airspace Security: Challenges and Innovations in Drone Technology for Transportation, Military and
Industrial Applications. A Brief Review (Accepted)
Target: KICS Winter 2024
Title 4: ASR-Fed: Agnostic Straggler-Resilient Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning Technique for Secured
Drone Network
Target: International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Accepted)
Title 5: RF-RSCV: Robust Security Framework Against Intrusions in Internet of Drone Communication Networks
Target: Journal of Communications and Networks (Major Revision)
Title 6: AdaFed: Adaptive Client Selection Algorithm to Mitigate Straggler Effect in Federated Learning for Secured Drone Network
Target: IEEE IoT Magazine (Rejected)
Title 7: FedQ: A Secure Collaborative Cyber Defense Framework for IoMT Based on Quantum and Federated Learning
Target: 2024 KICS Summer (Accepted)
Title 8: QFed: A Secure Federated Learning Framework for IoMT Using Quantum Cryptography (Summer Intensive)
Targets: IEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics (Under review)
Title 9: Quantum Federated Learning for Secured and Privacy-Preserving Edge Computing Empowering Medical Metaverse (Co-working with Dr. Tuli)
Target: IEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics (Tentative)
Title 10: DroneGuard: An Explainable and Efficient Machine Learning Framework for Intrusion Detection in Drone Networks
Target: IEEE IoT Journal (Accepted)
Title 11: Impact of Adaptive Client Selection on Federated Learning for IoMT Ecosystem
Target: ICTC 2024 (Accepted)
Title 12: Explainable Machine Learning for Energy Consumption Prediction: A Case Study in the Gumi Industrial Complex
Target: KICS 2024 Fall (Accepted)
Title 13: IoMT Security in the Quantum Era: A Systematic Review of Opportunities and Challenges (Winter Intensive)
Target: IEEE Access
Title 5: Under review
Title 8: Under review
Title 9: Paused
Title 10: Worked on the review comments from the reviewers
Title 11: Complete ppt and prepare for conference
Title 13: Completed quantitative review on objective 1
Title 5: Under review
Title 8: Under review
Title 9: Processing
1. Literature survey
ii. Begin simulation experiments
Title 10: Accepted
Title 13: Complete qualitative review on objective 1
Course work
i. Preparing for exams
ii. Running simulations for final PBL project
Electronic test report verification technology utilizing Smart Contract/offline transaction/DAPP technology
i. Completed literature survey
Design of smart contracts
i. Complete chapters 1 and 2 of Paper 13
ii. Continue studying on IBM Quantum
Annual Goals
i. 2 Q1 journal publications (Achieved)
ii. Attendance to both international and domestic conferences approved by professor
iii. ML/DL Real-time Deployment (80%)
iv. Quantum machine learning on IBM