* Title1: IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System Using Cloud Computing (ICTC 2022: Accepted and Published)
* Title 2: DIGIChain: A Patient-Centric Blockchain Framework for Secured Medical Record Fidelity and Authorization (KICS Summer 2023: Accepted and Published).
*Title 3: IoT-Assisted and Cloud Computing Orchestrated Room Temperature Control System for4 Smart Home (KICS Summer 2023 : Accepted and Published).
*Title 4: A Novel Deep Learning-Assisted Truck Driver Drowsiness Record using Blockchain Technology (ICTC 2023: Accepted).
*Title 5:Title 5: ESP32-Based Distracted Truck Driver Monitoring System using FOMO (KICS Winter 2024: Submitted). Accepted.
*Title 6: Immutable Computer Vision-Enabled Driver Inattention Detection System Using Hyperledger Besu For Storage. Target: JCCI 2024 Conference
Title 1: A Novel Deep Learning-Assisted Distracted Truck Driver Behaviour Record using Computer Vision and Blockchain
(Rejected and to be revisited).
Title 2: Deep Learning and Blockchain Convergence for Detecting and Analyzing Driver’s Inattention
(Rejected and to be revisited).
Title 3: Blockchain Private Key Storage System for IoT device.
(2022 Winter Intensive: Accepted).
Title 4: Medical IoT Record Security and Blockchain: Survey of Milieu, Milestones and Momentum (2023 Paper collaboration with Simeon, Saviour, Vivian, Ursula and Abubakar Dini
(Accepted and Published)).
Title 5: Blockchain-Enabled Reliable Land Ownership Management System using ERC-721 Smart Contract
(IEEE Transaction on Computational Social Systems (Under Review))
Title 2: Deep Learning and Blockchain Convergence for Detecting and Analyzing Driver’s Inattention. (Currently working on this paper and improving its quality).
Title 2: Deep Learning and Blockchain Convergence for Detecting and Analyzing Driver’s Inattention. (Currently working on this paper and improving its quality).
Project 1: ITRC - Pure certificate for defense logistics:
(1)Installed Flutter and Android Studio.
Project 2: Bitcoin Lightning Channels:
(1)Successfully simulated LND lightning and Docker container and documented the results.
Project 2: Bitcoin Lightning Channels:
(1)Successfully Installed Docker Container and Polar Simulator.
Project 2: Bitcoin Lightning Channels:
(1) Finalize with LND result documentation and submit to Jaehyon Lee.
Monthly Goals
-Complete (Project 2: Bitcoin Lightning Channels:) and submit the results.
Annual Goals
(a)Get at least one Journal acceptance/publication. (Achieved)
(b) Complete online training on artificial intelligence and explainable AI.
(b)Complete Project 1: ITRC - Pure certificate for defense logistics
-Work with the team to complete both the research paper and the project implementation