1. Adaptive Query Reformulation with Large Language Models for Enhanced Information Retrieval.
Target: ICAIIC 2025
Status: Editing
1. Resolve rate limit on GPT-4 or switch to Llama ✔️
2. Continue experiments on adaptive query reformulation for information retrieval ✔️
1. Finish editing the ICAIIC 2025 paper
2. Get approval for ICAIIC paper, NSL seminar topic and midterm research focus
3. Complete Chapters 1-5 of Machine Learning with Python (Theory and Implementation)
Digital Bridge: Build 3D model of the Chopyeongho Mir 309 swing bridge
1. Build decking and railings of Chopyeongho Mir 309 swing bridge ✔️
2. Complete V1 of Chopyeongho Mir 309 swing bridge ❌
1. Learn how to combine Blender’s Extrude function and Array modifiers to achieve desired effect
2. Rework V1 using better defined parts.
1. Build first version of Chopyeongho Mir 309 swing bridge's 3D model
2. Finish "Adaptive Query Reformulation with Large Language Models for Enhanced Information Retrieval" paper
3. Complete the text: Machine Learning with Python (Theory and Implementation)
4. Complete a comprehensive survey of academic literature in the area of midterm research focus.
1. To submit at least 1 NSL-approved Domestic conference
2. To submit at least 1 NSL-approved International Conference
3. To submit at least 1 International journal