

11월 17, 2014 - 11월 23, 2014


[1] 함정 전투 시스템을 위한 데이터 분산 서비스의 메시지 관리 기법 설계 및 구현
[2] DROPv2: energy efficiency through network function virtualization

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Edit [1].
Study [2].
Prepare seminar on this week.

This Week Todo's

Edit [1].
Study [2].
Prepare seminar on this week.

Project Progress

MOMAT(Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool)

99% Progress
Last Week's Project

Solve data binding problems between each items in ListView.

This Week's Project

Make the history viewer.
- UI
- Local DB
- data binding
- connect DB

Monthly Goals

Finish domestic journal.
Finish MOMAT beta version.

Annual Goals

Finish MOMAT project.