

11월 24, 2014 - 11월 30, 2014


[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)
2. make a explain about WDRR's flow chart.

This Week Todo's

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)
2. make a explain about WDRR's flow chart.

Project Progress

Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool (Season 3)

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

A] Make new GUI version : Deadline = 11/24

a. make new designer for Node layer edit. [A]
- setup more detailed function for support NODE designer
- fix long algorithm for this designer.

b. integrate new sub-window xaml code in Main GUI using new docking library.[B]
- sub-windows were inserted to Main GUI
- It need to make connection between them.
- finally, we need to make last window.

c. combine all part of this program in one package.

d. 1st Test using server computer.

e. convert English to Korean.

This Week's Project

a. Debug.

b. Debug.

c. Debug.

Monthly Goals

MOMAT 3차 개발 완료

Annual Goals

MOMAT 삼성 탈레스에 배포 및 유지 보수 관리