

12월 1, 2014 - 12월 7, 2014


A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks, In Preparation, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2014.

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks

• Study Tan's code
• Work at physical layer in Opnet
• Create propagation, noise, power model
• Study C++ programming language

This Week Todo's

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks

• Study Tan's code
• Continue doing simulation in Opnet
• Implement the algorithm and solve in Matlab
• Study C++ programming language

Project Progress


40% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Converted successfully code with Visual Studio 2013 target 32bit

This Week's Project

- Translate Korean interface into English
- Convert code with 64 bit compiler for target 64bit

Monthly Goals

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks
• Submit to journal

B. Successfully finish part of project

Annual Goals

A. Submit paper to international conference and journal
B. Finish project