

12월 1, 2014 - 12월 7, 2014


Title 1. (Conf.) An Efficient DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Unstable Large-Scale Networks. (INDIN 2015)
research Title 2. (Conf.) An Efficient DDS Node Discovery Scheme in Unstable Large-Scale Networks. (ICC 2015)
Title 3. (Jour.) Node Discovery Scheme of DDS using Dynamic Bloom Filters (Elsevier Information Fusion)
Title 4. (Jour.) Efficient routing in interference-aware cognitive radio networks (AEU - International Journal Electronics and Communications)

55% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A]. Title 1.
- Create Timing Diagram Figures for SDP
- Extend proposed scheme section.
- Create Simulation environment on C#

[C]. Title 2.
- Waiting review result.

[A]. Title 3.
- Trimming the data distribution service section.

[C]. Title 4.
- Waiting review result.

This Week Todo's

[A]. Title 1.
- Create Simulation environment on C#

[C]. Title 2.
- Waiting review result.

[A]. Title 3.
- Trimming the bloom filter section.

[C]. Title 4.
- Waiting review result.

Project Progress

MOMAT server

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Modify CSCI without node id
- Implement buffer movement on field order viewer
- Implement insert new field function and autotrigger padding
- Implement duplication window
- Develop blueprint checkbox for don't show window

Modify database, as follows:
- CSCI without node id and
- Entity_reference table delete at DB
- All reference_id's init value is 0
- At pub table, dont need to use status column
- Field_max_number table delete at DB
- Ndds_info table delete at DB
- At message table, is_iternal need to block "null" value
- Is_num and is_internal can get only 'y' and 'n' value, not 0 or 1

This Week's Project

- Testing Integrate DB process on Multiclient environment
- Fix the bug which will occurs

Monthly Goals

[B]. Create simulation environment for new DDS paper
[A]. Create code for Parallel Bloom Filters
[A]. Finish MOMAT project2 journal SCI paper and 3 conference papers

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI paper and 3 conference papers