Maksumov Bakir, and Dong-Sung Kim "Time synchronization method of ISA 100.11a network; Firefly approach"
(A) Prepaer seminar for class
(B) Survey paper about virtualization for navel combat system
(C) Writing paper for domestic journal, Will get a good grade of OPIC, Complete the domestic journal
* make a document ICT-CRC report
* make a document Samsung Tales
* study English spesking test
(A) Prepaer seminar for class
(B) Survey paper about virtualization for navel combat system
(C) Writing paper for domestic journal, Will get a good grade of OPIC, Complete the domestic journal
* study for time synchronization Firefly approach
Samsung Thales project for performance evaluation of virtualization
(A) Servey basic architecture about spice and ICA
Mobile service for Desktop virtualization
Make a document about current process for final report
(B) Server Virtualization (Linux)
(C)Goal : Apply virtualiㅣzation on navel combat system
(A) Make a new group of project
Modify and gather the project simulation result
Make a document about current process for final report
(B) Server Virtualization (Linux)
(C)Goal : Apply virtualiㅣzation on navel combat system
Make a good English skill
Make a simulation result about my project
Find new subject of paper
Writing paper for international conference
Make a good goal of Samsung-Thales project
Make a good English skill and get the score of speaking test