

12월 1, 2014 - 12월 7, 2014


1. Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Filtering out the Attacker’s Impact
[IEEE Trans. Journal]
2. Light-weight framework for security-sensitive wireless sensor networks applications
[IET Wirel. Journal]
3. Security for Medical Sensor Networks in Mobile Health Systems
[IEEE Trans. Conference]

A. Ultra light-weight authentication scheme for communication in Wireless Medical Sensor Network

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. supported to write 2015 ICT business plan

2. searched papers about security

3. studied papers and prepare for seminar presentation

4. studied for a class

This Week Todo's

1. search security papers about privacy

2. prepare seminar presentation for a class

3. study related papers

Project Progress

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

arranged project work until last week

This Week's Project

discuss communication algorithm to improve it

Monthly Goals

prepare 1 International conference paper

Annual Goals

prepare 1 International conference paper