

12월 15, 2014 - 12월 21, 2014


1.Network Recovery Scheme on Real-Time Switched Ethernet for Naval Combat Systems,(International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, in Publication)
2.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (In Preparation)

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Prepare for my thesis defence: RER: Reliable and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
2.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
3.Modify this paper according to the reviewers' comments.

(1).Actually, there is very little "underwater" here. The scheme itself is not designed over the challenges of underwater networks, and thereby incurs some design inconsistencies. The novelty introduced by the paper is very limited and more likely to be a MANETs routing protocol.
(2).Practice suggests that acoustic SNR estimates get outdated very fast under water, and therefore using such estimates to drive the relay selection may be very suboptimal. 
(3).There is no description about the Shortest-Path-First scheme.
(4).This work re-proposes a series of known mechanisms (based on overhearing, flooding, reverse-path routing, basic routing) to ensure reliability in packet transmissions in underwater acoustic networks. 
(5).The authors considered multiple issues in the design of routing protocol for UW-ASN from physical layer to the network layer. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the traditional direct transmission schemes. However, similar to the most of existing studies, this paper was restricted to simulation analysis only. Also the original theoretical analysis is weak, and the parameters or issues addressed for simulation are not enough. If not, the readers are more interested in the results of real underwater at-sea experiment for the proposed scheme. 
(6).The descriptions about the UWA channel, such as the attenuation, propagation delay and Wenz noise model, are well known to "UWA readers". They may be more interested in the specific design of parameters coupling routing protocol and UWA channel. 

This Week Todo's

1.Exploiting Cooperative Relay for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.
2.Modify this paper according to the reviewers' comments.
3.Modify my thesis according to professors' comments and suggestions.

Project Progress

Modelling of marine engines in ship propulsion control system

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

1.Read papers related to propulsion control system
2.Learn how to simulate dynamic system using MATLAB

This Week's Project

1.Continue reading paper related to propulsion system
2.Go on learning simulation of propulsion system with Matlab

Monthly Goals

Finish the thesis and submit

Annual Goals

5 international conference papers, 2 journal papers