

4월 15, 2013 - 4월 21, 2013


Title 2: An Opportunistic Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Network based industrial wireless sensor networks with QoS and interference temperature constraints

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: An Opportunistic Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Network based industrial wireless sensor networks with QoS and interference temperature constraints

This Week Todo's

Title 2:
- Review some papers related to cognitive radio sensor network.
- Writing System model for secondary communication and related works.
- Writing proposed power allocation algorithm for SUs

Project Progress

Samsung Thalet

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

- Title 2: An Opportunistic Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Network based industrial wireless sensor networks with QoS and interference temperature constraints

Annual Goals

- Paper 2: Finish abstraction and introduction in this paper.
Regular paper: IEEE Industrial informatics and MILCOM 2013 conference