

12월 15, 2014 - 12월 21, 2014


research paper
A. Intrusion Detection in SCADA systems using Machine Learning Techniques
B. Behavior-Based Intrusion Detection in Encrypted Environments

Writing paper title
A. Intrusion detection(I will modify it later)

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. trained simulation tool(OPNET)

2. researched papers

3. studied for class

4. handled the cost of materials on ICT project

This Week Todo's

1. train simulation tool(OPNET)

2. research papers

Project Progress

Capsule endoscopy

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

A. shared each progress

Hae min : searched paper on communication algorithm
Thu : searched paper on communication algorithm
Long : UWB
Seung Hwan: intrusion detection

discussion topic
1. UWB advantage for capsule endoscopy
2. Why is Mac protocol needed for capsule endoscopy

This Week's Project

A. continue to share each progress

Monthly Goals

prepare 1 International conference paper

Annual Goals

prepare 1 International conference paper