

12월 22, 2014 - 12월 28, 2014


Title 1: UWB-based Wireless Extension for MIL-STD-1553B in Military Avionics. (MILCOM 2015)
Title 2: Efficient Clutered-based Cooperative Selection of Relaying Scheme for Tactical Miliaty Wireless Communication. (Journal)
Title 3: Cooperative Selection of Relaying Scheme for Tactical Multi-Hop Wireless Network. (Journal)

78% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Title 2:
B.1. reviewing reference papers.
B.2. preparing the simulation by MATLAB.
B.3. preparing the simulation by Opnet Modeler.
B.4. preparing the following section.
B. Title 3:
B.1. submitting the paper to the domestic conference in Daejon.
B.2. submitting the paper to VTC 2015.
B.3. preparing the presentation for domestic conference.
C. Finishing “Industrial Networks” class and collecting students’ reports.

This Week Todo's

A. Title 1:
A.1. reviewing 3 reference papers.
A.2. writing the following section.
A.3. preparing the simulation by VHDL language.
A.4. preparing the simulation by MATLAB code.
A.5. Building a private node for MIL-STD-1553B.
A.6. preparing the abstract.
B. Title 2:
B.1. reviewing reference papers.
B.2. preparing the simulation by MATLAB.
B.3. preparing the simulation by Opnet Modeler.
B.4. preparing the following section.
C. Title 3:
C.1. adding end-to-end delay and energy consumption.
C.2. preparing the simulation by MATLAB.

Project Progress

Endoscopy Capsules

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

-searching survey papers relating to "UWB for medical applications".

This Week's Project

-searching survey papers relating to "UWB for medical applications".

Monthly Goals

- Finishing the weekly aims.
- Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.

Annual Goals

- 1 international journal and 2 international conference papers are published.