

12월 22, 2014 - 12월 28, 2014


[A] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
[C] Placement problem at SDN

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. change the format of paper for journal.

[C] Placement Problem at SDN
1. research about this field.
- already found some journal paper related with this field.
- some solution mentioned about firefly algorithm
- SDN's controller placement problem is still not yet discovered

2. title's
- On Reliability-optimized Controller Placement for Software-Defined Networks
- Energy-Efficient Baseband Unit Placement in a Fixed/Mobile Converged WDM Aggregation Network
- Optimal stochastic capacitor placement problem from the reliability and cost views using firefly algorithm
- SplitArchitecture: SDN for the Carrier Domain

This Week Todo's

[C] Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink Network of Military Satellite Systems
1. study Opnet & operating special scenario for satellite downlink simulator(LEO)
2. trim the paper depend on journal policy.
- choose unnecessary figure and remove it.
- change some sentence about flow chart.
3. take proofreading service before submit.
4. submit the paper.

[C] Placement Problem at SDN
1. Study more about this field.

Project Progress

Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool (Season 3)

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool (Season 3)

a. wait tales's suggestion.
b. prepare document about this program
c. fixed small bugs

* Teaching Assistant
- support undergraduate student for their project.

This Week's Project

a. wait tales's suggestion.

* Teaching Assistant
- re - operating undergraduate student team for can - satellite contest

Monthly Goals

MOMAT 수정작업 완료 및 배포

Annual Goals

MOMAT 수정작업 완료 및 배포