

12월 29, 2014 - 1월 4, 2015


[C] title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Sensor Networks
[A] title 2 (jour.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
[B] title 3 (new conf.): Effective Spectrum Handoff and Power Allocation Scheme for Cognitive UWB Military Networks

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for result and review comments from IEEE Sensors Journal
[A] title 2 (jour.): Give the detailed descriptions of simulation results (from figure 4 to figure 6)
[B] title 3 (new conf.): change from military to industrial network model based on professor suggestion, consider Saleh-Valenzuela channel model for indoor multipath propagation, continue writing section V of the paper.
prepare paper for lab seminar

This Week Todo's

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for result and review comments from IEEE Sensors Journal. Wait for the secretary's response.
[A] title 2 (jour.): correct the paper again and prepare for correction service
[B] title 3 (new conf.): investigate industrial channel model, continue writing section V
present seminar paper

Project Progress


15% Progress
Last Week's Project

Make document about how to install and hyper-V architecture, hardware requirements
Desktop remote service

This Week's Project

finish the document

Monthly Goals

receive result from IEEE sensors journal
mainly finish the journal paper

Annual Goals

receive result from IEEE sensors journal
mainly finish the journal paper