

12월 29, 2014 - 1월 4, 2015


Title : Fault Tolerance Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application (Thesis)
Conference: WFCS 2015

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication in Tactical Networks

Title: Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application
Domestic Conference: Communication Conference

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title : Fault Tolerance Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application
- Finish Thesis book
- Make regular paper for journal
- Add more references

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication in Tactical Networks
- Make another simulation, and compare it with previous work

Title: Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application
- submit the paper to domestic conference

This Week Todo's

Title : Fault Tolerance Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application
- Finish to make regular paper for journal
- Add new algorithm for AVB protocol

Title: Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Multicast Communication in Tactical Networks
- Make another simulation, and compare it with previous work

Title: Audio/Video Bridging for Industrial Application
- submit the paper to domestic conference

Project Progress

MMS Project

40% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

Finish the AVB paper for Thesis
Finish to revised Agung's paper

Annual Goals

Submit minimum 2 journal papers and some International conferences.