

1월 5, 2015 - 1월 11, 2015


A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks, In Preparation, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2015.

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

• Solve convex optimization in Matlab
• Implement code for Network layer in Opnet
• Study C++ programming language

This Week Todo's

• Implement code for Network layer in Opnet
• Study C++ programming language

Project Progress


15% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Study how to implement MMS VRMs based on MMS services
- Make a code for building SS-Robot based on OpenGL

This Week's Project

Try to finish building SS-Robot and debugging

Monthly Goals

A. Joint Channel and Power Allocation for Underwater Cognitive Acoustic Networks
• Submit to journal

B. Successfully finish part of project

Annual Goals

A. Submit paper to international conference and journal
B. Finish project