

1월 19, 2015 - 1월 25, 2015


Research paper
A. l_p-norms in One-Class Classification for Intrusion Detection in SCADA Systems(IF : 8.7)

Writing paper title
A. Intrusion detection algorithm based on classification method for smart grid(In preparation)

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

A. Lab group study

B. Dealt with documents

C. proposal preparation

D. Paper Research

This Week Todo's

A. proposal preparation

B. Paper Research

Project Progress

Capsule endoscopy

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

A. Shared each progress of the task

This Week's Project

A. Share each progress of the task

Monthly Goals

A. prepare 1 international conference

Annual Goals

A. submit 2 domestic conference

B. submit 1 domestic journal

C. submit 1 international conference