[1]Routing scheme for Acustic Communicaion(making a idea)
[2]수중 음파 센서 네트워크를 위한 협력 통신 기법(저널판 수정중)
[3]Capsule Endoscope(need to make a idea)-studying MAC protoco
[1]prepare the proposal document
[2]studting MAC protocol for Capsule Endoscope
[3]study paper to write the paper
- Male-Silkmoth Inspired Routing Algorithm
[1]prepare the proposal document
[2]study the asymmetric network's paper to write the paper
Capsule endoscope
studying MAC protocol for Capsule Endoscope
- An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Swallowable Body Sensor
studying MAC protocol for Capsule Endoscope
-A Review of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC, PHY, and Security Specifications
-research patent about intromedic
1. come up with idea about my paper(Routing scheme for Acustic Communicaion)->Next month: make a simulation & wirte the jounals
2. study for final exam
3. study the English news
1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score level IH in OPIC
3 Learning C,C++,Data Struct