

1월 26, 2015 - 2월 1, 2015


Title 1. (B-Status: In Preparation)
Geographical Awareness Hybrid Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Networks

Title 2. (C-Status: In preparation)
Scheduling for Inter-BAN Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Area Networks

Title 3. (A-Status: in Submission)
BEE: Bee-Inspired Algorithm for Zone Radius Determination in Independent Zone Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Title 4. (A-Status: In preparation)
Location Aided Zone Routing Protocol in MANETs

77% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2.
1. Draw flowchart (algorithm) for new idea for MAC protocol to mitigate inter-BAN interference

Title 3.
1. Under review

Title 4.
1. Receive acceptance notification from VTC2015

This Week Todo's

Title 1.
1. Revise my paper (continue)

Title 2.
1. Finish reading IEEE std 802.15.6
1. Survey some paper related to MAC protocol in BAN (continue)
2. Find out new idea for new paper (continue)

Project Progress

Capsule device project

7% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Research about MAC protocol in BAN (continue)

This Week's Project

- Research about MAC protocol in BAN (continue)

Monthly Goals

1. Submit Geographical Awareness Hybrid Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Networks paper (journal version)
2. Come up with new algorithm for medical device project

Annual Goals

1. Submit one international journal and one international conference
2. Come up with new algorithm for medical device project