[1] IoT Platform for Medical/Military Device
[1]prepare the proposal document
[2]study the paper to write the paper
[1]prepare the proposal document
[2]Study c++ using video clip
[3]study the paper to write the paper
-IoT-Based Smart Rehabilitation System
-A Health-IoT Platform Based on the Integration of Intelligent Packaging, Unobtrusive Bio-Sensor, and Intelligent Medicine Box
IoT platform & Capsule endoscopy
research MMS program to adapt the capsule endoscopy
[3]study the paper about IoT platform
-IoT-Based Smart Rehabilitation System
-A Health-IoT Platform Based on the Integration of Intelligent Packaging, Unobtrusive Bio-Sensor, and Intelligent Medicine Box
1. Learning C++
2. study IoT platform
1 publish the paper in SCI grade
2 get score level IH in OPIC
3 Learning C,C++,Data Struct