

2월 9, 2015 - 2월 15, 2015


Title 1: An Optimal Cooperative Clustering for Relaying Scheme in Green Internet of Things (conference)
Title 2: An Efficient Relaying Selection Scheme in Multi hop IR-UWB networks (conference)
Title 3: Efficient Cooperative Relaying Selection Scheme-based on TDMA for Tatical Multi-hop Wireless Network (Journal)

84% Progress
Last Week's Progress

o Title 1:
+ Reviewing 3 papers relating to IoT
+ Writing the next section.
+ Simulating in Opnet.
o Title 2:
+ Writing the nex section based title 3.
+ Simulating in Matlab and Opnet.
+ Reviewing papers.
o Title 3:
+ Selecting the journal for submission.
+ Modifying the paper as a template.

This Week Todo's

o Title 1:
+ Reviewing 3 papers relating to IoT
+ Writing the next section.
+ Simulating in Opnet.
o Title 2:
+ Writing the nex section based title 3.
+ Simulating in Matlab and Opnet.
+ Reviewing papers.
o Title 3:
+ Modifying the paper.
+ Submiting to IEEE transaction on Wireless Communication.

Project Progress

Iot platform

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Selecting members for our team.
- Discussing with our team about IoT platform.
- Dividing the project into 2 parts: hardware and software.

This Week's Project

- Reading the papers relating to IoT platform of medical and industry.
- Brainstorming about hardware in IoT platform.

Monthly Goals

- Finishing the weekly aims.
- Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters.

Annual Goals

- 1 international jounal.
- 2 internation conferences.