

3월 2, 2015 - 3월 8, 2015


Title 1. (Conf) Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC) Based on Storage Area Network (SAN). (IEEK Domestic Conference 2015)

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A] Title 1 Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC) Based on Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Revised
1. Arranging some word more specific.
2. Reduce some pages become 2 pages.

This Week Todo's

[A] Title 1 Performance Analysis of Multiple-Computer as Real Application Clusters (RAC) Based on Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Revised
1.Reduce some pages become 2 pages.

Project Progress


30% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Consideration and Decide Project [Done]
- Study about virtualization
- Learning how to understanding Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Explore HyperV and XenServer Virtualization
- Software and Hardware requirement for HyperV and XenServer
> Software
> Memory
> Storage or I/O

This Week's Project

- Study about virtualization
- Learning how to understanding Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Analysis some papers.
1. An Implementation of Virtualization Cluster: Extending Beowulf Cluster using Virtualization
Cluster Management and Image Storage
2. Effects of Virtualization on Network and Processor Performance using Open vSwitch and
3. HADES: A Compatible SDN based Network Virtualization Architecture
4. A Novel Network RAID Architecture with Out-of-Band Virtualization and Redundant Management

Monthly Goals

[A] Design of Virtualization
[B] Complete Paper that submitted on IEEK Domestic Conference 2015

Annual Goals

2 Journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers